17th May Committee

The 17th of May Committee

The 17th of May Committee is comprised of the Grade 2A and Grade 2B parent body.

Main objective

To organise and run the 17th of May celebrations at the school.


September -
Establish a committee and arrange feedback from a representative from last year's event

October -
Identify the activities that can be run at 17th May event set up a general plan for the day

December -
Revise what has been covered so far, schedule an agenda and plan for the new year. Identify possible fundraisers.

February -

April -

Organise Bus Transport
Send out general communication about the event to parents
Prepare a leaflet/booklet for the day

Arrange volunteers for the day - recommend at least 8 for set-up
Arrange purchasing of supplies (paper plates and so forth)
Manage the event at school (set-up, running and clean-up)
Arrange activities for the students on the day
Prepare a speech from the student council (head of council or otherwise nominated)

Additional considerations to be shared with parents

Departure times - please check carefully if you are using public transport (remember it is a holiday/Sunday). We would recommend car-pooling where possible. The buses that are transporting us will not wait for late arrivals, so please aim to be early rather than on-time.

Children to be on buses by XXXX

Weather - Please check the forecast and dress accordingly. It will not be warm at xxxx in the morning even if sunshine is forecast. Yr.no gives a reasonably reliable forecast, if you check by xxxxx next week.

In the event of rain - please do not supply children with umbrellas - supply them with rain jackets with hoods attached. 

New shoes - not a good day for new shoes, make sure they have worn them at least one day prior. 

Norwegian Flags/Badges - parents need to purchase their own, although it is not a requirement. 

The buses - the buses are for transporting the children and supervisors only

Test walk from Asker train station to the new AIS building and back - with a 9 year old

 Dear parents and caregivers,  Google maps suggests that it takes19 minutes to talk from Asker station to the school. That seemed like a lot...